El Mercado de Los Angeles – El Tarasco Restaurant

Project Director:
Jose Luis GonzalezArt Director:
Jose Luis GonzalezLocation:
3425 East 1st Street, Los Angeles, CA 90063, near LorenaCategory:
- Murals
- Special Projects
I named this restaurant, El Tarasco, because the word Tarasco means friend, cousin and other friendly meanings and since I was bringing in everything from Michoacan, I thought that would be most appropriate. The owner, Pedro Rosado, traveled with my wife and me to select items that would be utilized for decorations and construction of this restaurant. We ordered all the hand carved columns, beams, molding, copper works and lamps. I designed and painted the backdrop for the stage and the paintings that are installed on each side of the stage relating to the Michoacan traditions.

Detail of the mural, La Danza de los Ancianos in the restaurant El Tarasco on the third floor of El Mercado.

Detail of the mural of Patscuaro and Janitzio in Michoacan, Mexico, where they fish with the famous butterfly nets for the small fish charales and the famous white fish which are a delicacy and very popular in Michoacan. I wanted to depict as many areas that the guests could relate to, no matter what part of Mexico they are from or have visited…you would find it here.

The logo for El Tarasco Restaurant at El Mercado de Los Angeles was produced in ceramic tile at the southeast entrance.

Another detail of the mural, La Danza de los Ancianos, is the backdrop for the stage of El Tarasco Restaurant.

In this restaurant, El Tarasco, my wife, Blanca Rosa Gonzalez, and I purchased and ordered specially designed items to adorn this space from various parts of Michoacan, Mexico; copper from Santa Clara de Cobre and wooden works from Tzintzuntzan.
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